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Insights Vol. 4 No. 5: Updates & Other Tidbits

Insights Vol. 4 No. 5: Updates & Other Tidbits

This month, Astrid Champion and Nina Krauthamer look briefly at several timely issues, including (i) a novel claim of treaty residence in Ireland by a nonresident Irish domiciled individual subject to the domicile levy under Irish law and (ii) the introduction of a beneficial ownership register regime in the Cayman Islands regarding certain Cayman Islands corporations.

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Insights Vol. 4 No. 4: Updates & Other Tidbits

Insights Vol. 4 No. 4: Updates & Other Tidbits

This month, Astrid Champion, Nina Krauthamer, and Jennifer Lapper look briefly at several timely issues, including (i) instructions for Form 8975, Country-By-Country Report, and Schedule A, Tax Jurisdiction and Constituent Entity Information, for U.S.-based multinationals, (ii) tax breaks for midsized companies in China, (iii) an executive order calling for review of all I.R.S. regulations issued in 2016, with a view to their withdrawal, and (iv) the French Constitutional debate over penalties for nondisclosure of trust assets.

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Valuation – More Art than Science

Valuation – More Art than Science

In a recent case, the Tax Court was asked to evaluate two Old Masters paintings from the 17th century.  Sotheby’s provided the valuation for estate tax purposes on a gratuitous basis.  The appraised value totaled $600,000 for the two works.  The estate retained the same auction house to sell one of the paintings.  The sale price at auction was $2.1 million before buyer’s premium, and the auction took place within 34 months of the issuance of the appraisal report.  Kenneth Lobo and Nina Krauthamer explain why the court had no difficulty finding that the estate’s expert was not independent and that the subsequent sale was relevant

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New Developments in the World of Reverse Like-Kind Exchanges

New Developments in the World of Reverse Like-Kind Exchanges

Tax planners to New York City real estate families understand that real estate should never be sold.  Rather, it should be exchanged in a tax-free, like-kind exchange.  The exchange can be bifurcated into two independent transactions – one a purchase and the other a sale – without affecting tax-free treatment, provided certain well identified rules are followed.  Moreover, the replacement can be acquired before the sale of an existing parcel is effected.  In a recent advisory opinion affecting property in New York State, the Department of Taxation and Finance issued a taxpayer-friendly advisory opinion involving real estate transfer tax exposure in a reverse like-kind exchange.  Rusudan Shervashidze and Nina Krauthamer explain the ruling. 

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Insights Vol. 4 No. 2: Updates & Other Tidbits

Insights Vol. 4 No. 2: Updates & Other Tidbits

This month, Astrid Champion and Nina Krauthamer look briefly at several timely issues, including (i) the expansion of the European Commission’s attack on illegal State Aid to the French multinational group Engie (formerly G.D.F. Suez), (ii) the request for review by the French Constitutional Court of the penalties imposed under Article 1736, IV bis of the French Tax Code, regarding the failure to disclose a connection with a foreign trust, and (iii) the decision of the European Commission in World Duty Free Group, which affirms the criteria for judging whether a measure by a Member State is selective in relation to certain companies and not others and, for that reason, constitutes illegal State Aid. 

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Insights Vol. 4 No. 1: Updates & Other Tidbits

This month, we look briefly at several timely issues, including (i) the termination of foreign acceptance agent agreements used to confirm copies of passports outside the U.S. when a non-U.S. individual obtains an I.T.I.N., (ii) a court order in Canada upholding a demand for disclosure of client names and documentation relating to participation in a discredited tax shelter, (iii) E.U. steps that identify potentially blacklisted low-tax or no-tax countries, and (iv) worsening relations between the U.S. and the E.U. stemming from widening differences in tax policies.

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Foreign Charities active in the U.S. – Public? Or Private Foundations?

Foreign nonprofit organizations have become more active in the U.S. in carrying out their charitable mandates.  Such activities include performances in the U.S. by foreign artistic companies and the use by U.S. charities of technology and know-how developed by foreign charities.  Fees earned by foreign charities could be subject to U.S. income or withholding taxes, but those taxes can be reduced or eliminated if specific procedures are followed. Much will depend on the status of organization as a “public charity” or a “private foundation,” terms that make reference to the organization’s funding sources.  Nina Krauthamer and Galia Antebi explain the U.S. rules that are applicable.

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Insights Vol. 3 No. 10: Updates & Other Tidbits

Insights Vol. 3 No. 10: Updates & Other Tidbits

This month Sultan Arab, Nina Krauthamer, and Galia Antebi look briefly at several timely issues, including (i) a Swiss court order granting UBS the right to appeal an administrative order to disclose French client information to French tax authorities, (ii) the expansion of I.R.S. offshore tax avoidance investigations to banks in countries other than Switzerland, and (iii) a continuing controversy over the Common Consolidated Tax Base, known as the C.C.T.B., proposed by the E.U. Commission.

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I.R.S. Adds New Theory Why Merger Termination Fees are Capital Rather than Deductible Costs

I.R.S. Adds New Theory Why Merger Termination Fees are Capital Rather than Deductible Costs

The I.R.S. and taxpayers have long argued whether fees paid by one party to another in a failed merger are capital costs or deductible costs.  The consequences of capitalization may be severe, as sufficiently large capitalized costs may never be fully offset by future income.  Recently, the I.R.S. enunciated a new theory in support of its capitalization position.  Kenneth Lobo and Nina Krauthamer look at two recent internal memoranda indicating the I.R.S. will continue to characterize most merger termination costs as capital rather than deductible costs.

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Insights Vol. 3 No. 9: Updates & Other Tidbits

This month, the authors look briefly at several timely issues, including (i) the filing of appeals briefs in two major cases lost by the I.R.S., Altera and Xilinx, (ii) recent competent authority activity between the U.S. and India, (iii) the future of U.K. automobile assembly plants operated by U.K. subsidiaries of Japanese automakers, and (iv) final State Department rules concerning the revocation of U.S. passports issued to individuals who have a seriously delinquent tax debt.  Kenneth Lobo, Michael Peggs, Nina Krauthamer, and Sultan Arab contribute.

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Estate of Bartell Offers Taxpayer Relief in a Reverse Deferred §1031 Exchange

Many countries provide a tax deferral benefit for property gains through the form of a reinvestment reserve. Although U.S. tax law does not provide reserves, it does permit a taxpayer to participated in a three-party exchange of properties that may offer deferral benefits that are comparable to a reserve.  Most three-party exchanges involve a sale as the first step and a reinvestment of proceeds as the second step, but in some instances, the reinvestment may occur before the sale.  The I.R.S. position on these reverse exchanges is that several enumerated hurdles must be overcome before tax deferral is allowed.  However, as one recent U.S. Tax Court case demonstrates, the I.R.S. view is not the last word.  Rusudan Shervashidze and Nina Krauthamer explain the holding in the case, place it in context, and suggest that it may offer hope for reverse three-party exchanges that do not meet I.R.S. guidelines.

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Global Exchange of Information: How Does the U.S. Fit into the Puzzle? Meet the U.S. Foreign Trust

Global Exchange of Information: How Does the U.S. Fit into the Puzzle? Meet the U.S. Foreign Trust

In the context of a model 1 I.G.A. under F.A.T.C.A., the U.S. undertakes certain reciprocal information exchanges.  But reciprocal may not mean equal.  This produces interesting results when a U.S. foreign trust is formed by a foreign individual.  Galia Antebi and Nina Krauthamer compare C.R.S. reporting and F.A.T.C.A. reporting in the context of a U.S. foreign trust that invests in U.S. assets producing tax-free income for a foreign investor.

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Insights Vol. 3 No. 8: Updates & Other Tidbits

Fanny Karaman, Galia Antebi, and Nina Krauthamer address recent developments involving (i) the U.S. Treasury Department’s Priority Guidance Plan in the international arena, (ii) the negotiation of a new income tax treaty between the U.S. and Ireland, and (iii) a recently discovered abuse when a disregarded L.L.C. owned by a single foreign member sells U.S. real estate.

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Insights Vol. 3 No. 6: B.E.P.S. Around the World

Insights Vol. 3 No. 6: B.E.P.S. Around the World

This month, we review steps toward implementation of anti-B.E.P.S. provisions in various countries and the E.U.  Kenneth Lobo and Nina Krauthamer look at the latest items, including French tax raids on local offices of U.S. companies, disagreement with the E.U. over the adoption of blacklists and the tax treatment of C.F.C.’s, and pushback against proposed Code §385 regulations that deal with debt and equity.

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Disallowance for Failure to Withhold on Outbound Payment Violates India-U.S. Non-Discrimination Clause

Disallowance for Failure to Withhold on Outbound Payment Violates India-U.S. Non-Discrimination Clause

To withhold, or not to withhold: that is the question.  Neha Rastogi and Nina Krauthamer review the Herbalife case in India that allowed an Indian subsidiary to deduct an administration fee paid to a related parent company for services performed in the U.S. without imposing an obligation on the company to withhold Indian tax.  The case, which relates to the tax year 2000 to 2001, has dragged on for many years.  In 2004, the law was changed, but the litigation continued.

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Property Contributions to Partnerships with Related Foreign Partners

The Tax Section of the American Bar Association recently commented on a set of proposed rules that appear in Notice 2015-54.  When adopted, these rules would limit the ability of U.S. persons to transfer appreciated property to a partnership in a tax-free transaction when the partnership has a non-U.S. person as a partner.  The I.R.S. is concerned that through special allocations of gain, built-in appreciation in contributed assets may escape taxation.  The Tax Section makes a case for additional guidance concerning the methods proposed to eliminate that result.  Philip R. Hirschfeld and Nina Krauthamer discuss the I.R.S. proposal and A.B.A. comments.

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Proposed Reporting Requirements for Foreign-Owned U.S. Disregarded Entities

Recently-proposed regulations will require information reporting for single member L.L.C.’s that are owned by non-U.S. persons and treated as disregarded entities. Typically, this structure is used for the acquisition of an apartment by camera-shy, high net worth individuals and offshore trading companies wishing to appear as U.S. persons. The regulations are designed to supply the I.R.S. with information about the operations and ownership so that information may be exchanged with tax treaty partner jurisdictions. Philip R. Hirschfeld and Nina Krauthamer examine the proposed reporting rules.

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Draft Valuation Rules for Indirect Transfers in India

In May, draft rules were issued in India that implement legislation designed to reverse the holding in the Vodafone case. There, a taxpayer sold shares of an offshore company having as its principal asset shares of a large Indian telecommunication company. When Indian tax authorities attempted to tax the gain of the sale of foreign shares, the Indian Supreme Court held in the taxpayer’s favor and observed that the transaction was beyond India’s territorial tax jurisdiction. The law was changed in 2012, and in 2015, certain valuation benchmarks were set that established when tax would be imposed. Neha Rastogi, Kenneth Lobo, and Nina Krauthamer explain how the value of Indian and global assets will be determined. They also address associated reporting requirements.

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Insights Vol. 3 No. 5: Updates & Other Tidbits

In this month’s update, Elizabeth V. Zanet and Nina Krauthamer report on (i) attacks on cash pooling arrangements as part of earnings-stripping rules under Code §385, (ii) the latest regulations aimed at increasing financial transparency, including adoption of a customer due diligence (“C.D.D.”) final rule, (iii) proposed beneficial ownership legislation, and (iv) new reporting rules for foreign-owned, single member L.L.C.’s that engage in business with the foreign owner; as well as a new wave hiring by the I.R.S. of enforcement officers.

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Corporate Matters: Anatomy of a Limited Liability Company Agreement – Part I

Simon H. Prisk and Nina Krauthamer begin a series on the reasons why a carefully crafted L.L.C. agreement is important in a joint venture.  Commonly referred to as an operating agreement, this governance tool addresses the purpose, management, and overall operation of an L.L.C. and the obligations of members to make capital contributions.

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