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Form or Fizz? Coca-Cola Transfer Pricing Decision

Form or Fizz? Coca-Cola Transfer Pricing Decision

In Coca-Cola Co. & Subsidiaries v. Commr., the taxpayer learned an important lesson for multinational groups using a residual profit split method to determine intercompany transfer prices. The factual underpinning of a residual profit split is critical to method selection, best method analysis, and selection of a reliable split metric when applying the method. In the case, the taxpayer relied on a favorable resolution of transfer pricing issues in an examination of earlier years and failed to confirm the continued existence of favorable facts. Michael Peggs explains all. Resolution of an examination does not provide the same certainty as an advance pricing agreement.

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Transfer Pricing Positions of Consolidated Groups: After Guidant

Michael Peggs and Kenneth Lobo comment on the I.R.S. victory in the Guidant case where the I.R.S. applied the “one size fits all” approach to group-wide transactions. Their conclusion is that today’s I.R.S. victory may be tomorrow’s lost revenue where a taxpayer seeks competent authority relief for transfer pricing adjustments initiated abroad.

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